The untold origin story of Optimus Prime and Megatron, better known as sworn enemies, but once were friends bonded like brothers who changed the fate of Cybertron forever.
Josh Cooley
Chris Hemsworth, Brian Tyree Henry, Scarlett Johansson
United States
Main Trailer
- "A realm without physical limits is truly where the TRANSFORMERS belong, but it doesn’t stop the film from delivering some surprising pathos while it’s there."
- Slant Magazine - "TRANSFORMERS ONE provides numerous witty jokes of both the verbal and visual variety and -- surprise, surprise -- genuine emotion. Consider this a franchise revitalized."
- Hollywood Reporter - "TRANSFORMERS ONE delivers some truly incredible action sequences, but most importantly it gives fans an origin story filled with heart and emotion."
- Mama's Geeky - "If this is the future of the Transformers franchise, then Autobot and Decepticons fans have a bright future to look forward to indeed."
- - "TRANSFORMERS ONE channels the joy that first brought audiences to this universe back in the 1980s and proves there are still good stories left to tell."
- AwardsWatch - "TRANSFORMERS ONE combines humor and nostalgia to present the Autobot/Decepticon conflict in a fresh way that asks us to reexamine our thoughts about something we think we already know."
- Punch Drunk Critics - "Even if you don’t care two cans of WD-40 about the origin story... Its themes of friendship and underdog heroism, along with a visually impressive design and clean storytelling form a truly appealing film."
- San Francisco Chronicle - "While still delivering the fun and excitement expected of Hasbro’s metamorphosizing robots, TRANSFORMERS ONE approaches the well-known characters with a degree of nuance and complexity that marks the most sophisticated onscreen portrait of them to date"
- Variety